
- 인민은행은 1일 성명을 통해 바이러스 발발로 피해를 입은 기업들을 지원하기 위해 대출금리를 적절한 수준으로 낮출 것이라고 발표했다. 하지만, 이번 감염병이 중국 경제 전반에 미치는 여파는 일시적이라고 인민은행은 강조했다. 


- 인민은행 뿐 아니라 보험, 증권, 외환 규제당국과 재무부도 성명을 통해 금융 시장을 지원할 것임을 확인했다. 은행보험감독관리위원회는 이번 전염병 사태로 자금이 필요한 상장기업들에 대한 은행들의 신용지원을 명령했다.  




- China has announced a slew of measures to ensure ample liquidity and reduce lending rates to companies affected by the coronavirus outbreak that has prompted fears of a further slowdown in the world’s second-largest economy.

A number of policy tools, including open market operations and the standing lending facility, will be used to ensure liquidity in financial markets and prevent volatility in the money markets, the People's Bank of China (PBOC) said in a joint notice with other regulators and ministries on Saturday.

- Banks and financial institutions are encouraged to increase lending to support the real economy, it said.

Meanwhile, the PBOC also urged investors not to panic, saying the impact from the outbreak on the broader economy would be temporary.

- “Any unnecessary impact caused by an irrational sentiment should be prevented,” it said in a separate statement on its website.

- Financial institutions should not blindly pull back loans from affected companies, especially those small companies in areas such as retailing, hotel and catering, transport, culture and tourism, it said.


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