mmcv : foundataional python library for computer vision research and supports many research projects in MMLAB, such as MMDetection and MMAction.


Universal IO APIs

Image/Video processing

Image and annotation visualization

useful utilities

pytorch runner with hooking mechanism

various CNN architectures

High-quality implementation of common CUDA ops


MMCV requires Python 3.6+





'스타트업 > AI' 카테고리의 다른 글

[AI] COCO Dataset, mAP(mean Average Precision)  (0) 2020.07.14
[AI] Cascade RCNN  (0) 2020.07.13
[AI] Tensorboard 해석하기  (0) 2020.07.09
[AI] jupyter notebook tensorboard, proxy  (0) 2020.07.09
[AI] TensorboardX  (0) 2020.07.08

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